In my free time, I not doing nothing especially activity, but this time I used in my personal relax, this time is for myself, for example , sleep, listen music or think in my life. soemtimes I meet with my friends for talk or enjoy dancing.
Generally my free time is the weekend, specially the saturday, when I am in calm, without responsabilities that doing, I not organize the day, this only passes. In the morning I sleep until 10:30 am or 11:00 am sometimes, this activity is important for me, because I love and need sleep for not feel me idiot and unfriedly. This time is the unic free for do my favourite activity, sleep. During the day I rest listening the music, music the all type. In the evening I sleep too, but not always, only when the week was busy. Although I will like to meet with my friends most, because I miss them, but is impossible because we live far. The meeting are generally in the night. This nights I and my friends realize differents activities like song, dance, talk, smile, play games, etc. The saturday is the specially day, because is completely for me or any activities with my friens.
I decide to put this day for myself since 2005 when I need most organization in my activities.
Only since february I dedicate of my free time for my boyfriend.
Generally my free time is the weekend, specially the saturday, when I am in calm, without responsabilities that doing, I not organize the day, this only passes. In the morning I sleep until 10:30 am or 11:00 am sometimes, this activity is important for me, because I love and need sleep for not feel me idiot and unfriedly. This time is the unic free for do my favourite activity, sleep. During the day I rest listening the music, music the all type. In the evening I sleep too, but not always, only when the week was busy. Although I will like to meet with my friends most, because I miss them, but is impossible because we live far. The meeting are generally in the night. This nights I and my friends realize differents activities like song, dance, talk, smile, play games, etc. The saturday is the specially day, because is completely for me or any activities with my friens.
I decide to put this day for myself since 2005 when I need most organization in my activities.
Only since february I dedicate of my free time for my boyfriend.