This movie was writed and directed by Eric Bress with help of J.Mackie Gruber.
The principals actors are Ashton Kutcher like Evan Trenor and your friend and love Amy Smart like Kayleigh.
I saw this movie for this first time in 2004, the years of debut in cinema.
The buterfly effect is my favouirite movie becouse is very interesting and funny, pricipaly the unpredictable and changing drama. The summery movie consist in that the principal actor who suffered severed traumas in your childhood and teenager blacks out generally, often at moment high stress. your life when as a boy was marked by unpleasant moments that were writed in a newspaper on the recomendation for a psichiatrist in Evan university stage retrieve those memories and discovers that he has important changes and broken in the lives of the friends and people he loved most.
All in this movie is important for understand it, every scene is fundamental.
I think that this movie is better that other movies because remains sensitive the vision. Causes grant expectation in the all movie, and waiting the end for understand it. the movie always have suspence, making it a hobby.
5 comentarios:
i haven't seen this movie but i think if is your favourite movie is a very good film! congratulation my friend!!!! kisses!
I love this Movie!!!
I love this actor!!!!
Xoxo my little friend!!!
The butterfly effect is a great movie. I wach the second part and I liked!
I saw that movie many years ago!, but I saw with my boyfriend and he much talk!! bla bla bla!! jajaja I think see again!
Sounds like a fun film.
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